
What’s up it’s your boy Hardbødy, I’m a Kansas City Kansas native. I grew up and lived in a lot of areas around kck. My family is originally from the north side of KCK in the 20s of Quindaro but I’ve stayed across Wyandotte, Turner and OP. I’ve always been into the Hip Hop and R&B culture heavy since I was a little kid. Music has always been a big part of my family without even realizing how big of an impact it had on me, I would have never thought I would be the one behind the beats. Most like a far share of people, I’ve been through a lot of obstacles, pain, and trauma to shape the person I am today along with my sound and how I tell my story. My motivation today is my son, he is the reason I get up everyday I try to go harder for him plus myself along with the people I say I love. I’m aiming to be not just one of the biggest in Kansas City for music but for character and morals I stand for and stand on around the world. I don’t only want to change my life but I want to change lives around the world. I believe everyone should feel freedom and richest before they die and I want to be the one who receives and gives, leave a legacy.

Yours Truly Hardbødy